MySQL backup bash script

This is a simple mysql backup script.The script can be used manually as well as in crontab. Edit the below given script and provide the information required in the script. The script will take the backup in .sql format later it will compress the .sql file and in end send the mail about the status … Read more

How to install pam_mysql in CentOS or Red Hat

How to install pam_mysql in CentOS or Red Hat While working on some mysql authentication.I required pam_mysql. In CentOS 6.4 I found it was not available even in CentOS 5 it was not also. Again same method is applied. Download the EPEL repo. Step 1: Install latest EPEL Repo rpm -ivh Step 2: Now … Read more

Install MySQL workbench in Ubuntu

MySQL Workbench is a integrated tool for MySQL. The MySQL workbench gives a graphical interface to user through which user can easily manage many MySQL Administration task. The tool can be install in Windows,MacOSX and Linux. As well as its source code is also available.The MySQL Workbench is easy to install in Windows,MacOSX and Linux … Read more

See mysql command output vertically

When you work on mysql server and hit some command in mysql prompt,you get the output in horizontal way. For eg. I hit the command, select emailid from linuxtable where user = ‘sharad’; and this table has lots of fields . In that case the output looks weird. Rather than seeing the output Horizontally in … Read more