SimpleCodeSyntax : My Another WordPress Plugin

simplecodesyntax wordpress plugin

SimpleCodeSyntax is a WordPress Plugin. Just download and activate the plugin in your WordPress site. No further settings is required. From Where To Download SimpleCodeSyntax Plugin You can download it from the website. Here, I have created the Download Button for the same or get it from this URL. Why did I create … Read more

How to remove date from WordPress Post URL

wordpress nginx

In this post we are sharing the steps to remove date from a WordPress post URL/permalink. We recently did this change in our own WordPress blog. It has been since long time we were using this date format in our blog permalink like this . We decided to change the URL format in this … Read more

WordPress error “Unable to create new image”

After uploading the image, we tried to crop the image but we found this wordpress error “Unable to create new image”. We are running this blog on Nginx,PHP-FPM and WordPress. We were aware that it is related to php5-gd module as we already experienced this issue in other case also. Here is below given screenshot … Read more

Setup htpasswd on WordPress wp-admin running on nginx

This tutorial will help you to setup htpasswd on WordPress wp-admin running on Nginx server. For security point of view it is important to protect the wp-admin of WordPress. When any user hit your WordPress blog URL with /wp-admin , it will get the wordpress Admin dashboard to login. Here, by setting htpasswd on /wp-admin … Read more

How to add before entry widget in Genesis Child Theme

In this tutorial we will learn, how to add before entry widget in Genesis Child Theme. It is mine new journey with Genesis Framework.Working and exploring,to make theme on it.In my some posts,I already stated I recently got my premium theme.Before this I played on,already available free Genesis Theme. In my some other sites,I decently … Read more