PHP Warning:  Unknown: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in Unknown on line 0

PHP Warning: Unknown: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in Unknown on line 0

It was shiny morning and at the time of taking tea at home. I opened my laptop and login into my server. Recently, I changed the apache MPM to worker mode. Running php-fpm and mod_fcgi to run the WordPress based blog. After a few days of Worker apache implementation, I checked the php-fpm log directory…

How to hide php version information in header

How to hide php version information in header

While migrating from godaddy account to new server which is hosted in DigitalOcean,I checked the header by using command curl -I . In output of command ,I found PHP version was given.For security point of view I want to hide or disable this information. For this you have to do small change in php.ini…