Linux basic command

Essential Linux Commands Every Beginner Should Know | With Examples

In this Linux tutorial post, we are writing on all Linux basic commands with examples which every Linux beginner should know. It will help you to kickstart on any Linux Operating System. We expect, you have already installed the Linux Operating System in your system and we are ready to start the command in terminal….

Install Jenkiins on Ubuntu
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How to install Jenkins on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server

In this post we will install Jenkins on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server. For installing the Jenkins, we will use ‘Generic Java Package (war)’. Jenkins is very popular automation server widely use for building,deploying and automating the projects. It is one of the Open Source Software which is mostly prefer for CI/CD. There are lots of…

apache access control

Access Control by host and ip address in Apache 2.4

In this post we will learn about access control by host and ip address in Apache 2.4. The Apache 2.4 released with lots of new feature. While working on Apache 2.4 you will surely get attention on new format of access control. The method of using allow,deny or vice-versa is deprecated, it was old styled method before Apache 2.4 versions.


Install OpenXenManager on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Learn how to install OpenXenManager on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop. After finishing the installation of XenServer, you may be searching how to install xencenter on linux. To connect to XenServer from client machine, we need XenCenter client. Till writing of this post, Citrix team has not introduced XenCenter for linux. Thanks to Open Source world, we have OpenXenManager – the alternate of XenCenter for Linux.

configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables

configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables

configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables This kind of error generally comes when you are installing the package from source code. The source code have many C or C++ files which require C compiler. To solve this issue in CentOS and Red Hat ,run the below given command. Here we are using wildcard *…

How to find when Operating system was installed in linux CentOS and Red Hat

How to find when Operating system was installed in linux CentOS and Red Hat

How to find when Operating system was installed in linux CentOS and Red Hat This is a short video to know how you can find out on which date the linux was installed. It is applicable to Red Hat based linux distro. Step 1 : First find out the basesystem rpm. rpm -qa|grep basesystem Step…