cat,sed and awk commands to display file contents
With the help of cat, sed and awk command you can read or display the file contents. Learn about the method in this article.
With the help of cat, sed and awk command you can read or display the file contents. Learn about the method in this article.
How to create a file with cat command Cat command has many use , in my earlier post I wrote about how to see line no. in file with cat command In this example I will guide how simply you can also create a file and write content in it. Steps to follow In this…
How to get line numbers in file through cat command Cat command can be used for many purposes. But do you also know you can see the line numbers in files with the help of cat command. With this method it is easy to troubleshoot or this information is also useful while creating the bash…
The tac command shows the output of cat command in reverse manner hence the name of this command is also in reverse form that is tac . As we know cat command is used to see the content of file,creating the new file and concatenating the two file also (If you do not know soon…