In this post we will learn, how to clear apc cache by using php script. A few days back, one of the reader of our blog asked a question. It was about how to clear php APC cache.The question was asked on our previous post on PHP APC error.

Follow the given below steps to clear apc cache

Here in this section we will create a php script called clear_apc.php . With this script , it will clear the APC cache.

Basically we are using apc_clear_cache() function in PHP script.

Step 1: Login to your server. And create a file inside web root directory on your server.

On my server the Web root is at /var/www/html/sharadchhetri_blog . It may be different on your server.

Create a file called clear_apc.php
Replace with your server ip address in below given script’s content.

vi clear_apc.php

And paste below given contents.

if (in_array(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', '::1',
echo json_encode(array('success' =&gt; true));
die('No valid IP');

Step 2: Change the permission of script . Make the file clear_apc.php executable

chmod 700 clear_apc.php

Step 3: Now execute the script by using below wget command .

Replace with your website URL

Example. from our site

wget -O - -q

This will clear the php apc cache.

Note: If wget command not found then install it. (RHEL/CentOS: yum install wget , Ubuntu/Debian : sudo apt-get install wget)

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