How to put slider shortcode only in home page in WordPress

How to put slider shortcode only in home page in WordPress

My personal blog is running in wordpress CMS. Today I want to put header on home page only. For this first I installed the WP slider plugin and set the all slides which I need. I got the slide shortcode which can be easily use in page and post.
In this scenario we will use the shortcode in Home page means we will implement the Header Slide only in home page.

Note: I am using the Tiga theme

Given below are steps which I have done

Step 1: Login into your wordpress CMS with admin account id

Step 2: click on Editor tab of theme.

Appearance >> Editor

Step 3: At right hand sidebar ,click on header.php file .

Step 4: And paste the below code ,just above where the header tag is closing




Below is the reference of header.php file which I edited

<?php tiga_header(); ?>
	<?php if ( is_home() ):?>

        <?php echo do_shortcode('[slider id="1888" name="myheaderslide"]'); ?>

        <?php endif; ?>

	</header><!-- #masthead .site-header -->

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