In this post, you will learn about how to search keyword or string in Man Page like we do in vi/vim file editor. It basically searching keyword within same man page of the command.

Question: How may I search a keyword in man page like we search in vi /vim editor ?

Answer: To search keyword inside man page we have to first hit ESC key then type / then have to write keyword
Whereas in vi/vim editor we search by typing ESC then typing :/ and then keyword (like this :/keyword)

See the below given example, to understand how to search keyword inside man page

man page

Follow The Steps

In above sample you can see –
(1) First I hit ESC key from keyboard
(2) Then I typed only slash sign i.e /
(3) After this I typed the keyword “ftp” . You can replace ftp with your keyword which you want to search.

Recommend further reading on Man command : search keyword in all man pages by using man command

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