Change the default port number of ssh server

Change the default port number of ssh server

SSH Default Port no. = 22

To change the default port number of ssh server hardly takes a few steps but with the point of security it is important to change the default port no. 22

After this you can also use the anti port scan script which is already written in post. (Reference : note; change the port no. of ssh (22) as per your requirement Restrict Port Scanning IPTABLE script )

Follow the given below steps to change the port no. of ssh

Step 1 : Open the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config with the help of your favorite 🙂 editor. I use vi editor

Step 2: Search the line “Port 22” and the change the value of 22 to any number, here I am using 2786

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config 

Port 2786

Step 3: After save and exit. Restart the ssh service.

In CentOS and Red Hat

/etc/init.d/sshd restart
In Ubuntu and Debian

/etc/init.d/ssh restart

Now how to access from client

Now from your client machine for ssh you have to use flag -p and for scp -P


ssh -p 2786 username@ssh-server

scp -P 2786 filename username@ssh-server:~

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