master admin password openerp 7.x

master admin password openerp 7.0

When I forgot the master admin password of OpenERP I try to find the answer in a few forums and blog but no luck.
I searched in Postgres Database and many file. Finally I got the master admin password which was in home directory of OpenERP user in .openerp_serverrc file (It is hidden file)

Step 1: Login with user with which you installed the OpenERP 7.x , in my case I use the user name openerp hence “su -l openerp” .
The file .openerp_serverrc has the information of master admin password in clear text form.

su -l openerp

cat ~/.openerp_serverrc|grep admin_passwd

4 thoughts on “master admin password openerp 7.x”

  1. hello, hope you still there…
    i cant find this file openerp_serverrc as it says no such file or directory. pls help, thanks


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