simplecodesyntax wordpress plugin

SimpleCodeSyntax is a WordPress Plugin. Just download and activate the plugin in your WordPress site. No further settings is required.

From Where To Download SimpleCodeSyntax Plugin

You can download it from the website. Here, I have created the Download Button for the same or get it from this URL.

Why did I create this plugin ?

Whenever I was installing any new WordPress theme most of them has not good Pre and Code CSS tags. Because I write technical posts in , I need Pre and Code tag to share the commands and scripts. These commands were showing as overflow contents. To fix such issue, I was editing the theme files or updating custom CSS section. To overcome from repeated work, I created this plugin.

Why I was not using the existing Syntax Highlighter Plugins

There are many existing Code and Syntax Highlighters plugins are already available in but as per my requirement I need a simple plugin which should not slow my website. The existing plugin are so much feature rich which is good but it was also causing slowness in website.

Features Of SimpleCodeSyntax

  1. Simple
  2. Ready to use after activation
  3. No Settings require
  4. By default and only one background color (HTML Code #EEEEEE)
  5. Simple plugin good for learning purpose.

Do you want to change the background color of Pre and Code in css ?

  1. Download the plugin and extract the plugin.
  2. Edit the CSS style file. Path is SimpleCodeSyntax/css/pre-style.css
  3. Change the value of background: #EEEEEE
  4. Save the file and compress again.
  5. Re-upload the compressed plugin file in WordPress Website.

Are We Using This Plugin In Our Blog ?

Yes. We are using it in blog.

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