Openshot Ubuntu

Today, in this post we will learn how to install the Openshot 2.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS desktop. After a such a long wait of time, Openshot team announced the version 2.x release. I have been personally using this Video Editor since more than one year and I really like it.

Just a brief intro, OpenShot is a free and open source video editor. You can install OpenShot in Linux, Windows and Mac operating system. It is written in python.

OpenShot interface is very user friendly and you can do amazing video editing with it. Although it has some problem like hangs while rendering or in video preview yet I personally like it.
I have upgraded my system to 12 GB and since then facing very less issue in OpenShot.

Project Website:
OpenShot Release: Version 2.2 (currently using in my system)

Install OpenShot on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Desktop

Installation of OpenShot is very easy whereas we will also install Blender and inkscape.
Blender is also an open source and free software for making animation,modelling and other 3D creation. (It is also has inbuilt good Video Editor)
Inkscape is also an opensource and free software, very popular as vector graphic editor.

If you are wondering why we have specified blender and inkscape name in OpenShot post then reason is OpenShot use both for making ‘Title’ as a default software.

Lets get started the installation of OpenShot.

1. Open the terminal and run below given command.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openshot.developers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openshot-qt blender inkscape

Note:Package name called openshot-qt is for release 2.x and openshot is for below 2.x version. So make sure you should not do any typo in terminal. One should also note that you can use the same above method to install OpenShot in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

2. Open the dashhome in Ubuntu and type openshot, click on its icon.


OpenShot interface will be opened. And here is the glimpse of it.


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