Set postgres password on PostgreSQL 9.4

The post will explain, how to set postgres password on PostgreSQL 9.4 . We expect , you have already install postgres 9.4 on your Ubuntu system . The user called postgres has all privileges to work in postgres server. It is like an administrator. After installing postgreSQL 9.4 , by default without password user can … Read more

Install postgresql 9.4 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server

PostgreSQL is an object-relational database system (ORDBMS). It is free and its source code is available. Many volunteers, individuals and companies are contributing to develop the postgresql , the group is often addressed as PostgreSQL Global Development Group . PostgreSQL is cross platform means it can be run on many Linux/Unix based Operating System, Windows … Read more

Show running process in postgresql

Show running process in postgres I mostly use the MySQL server and very much familiar with its commands and how it works. Today I was checking How to check the running process in Postgresql. In MySQL we use show processlist; command. In Postgresql,to show running process in postgres use below given command Step 1: Login … Read more