How to remove date from WordPress Post URL

wordpress nginx

In this post we are sharing the steps to remove date from a WordPress post URL/permalink. We recently did this change in our own WordPress blog. It has been since long time we were using this date format in our blog permalink like this . We decided to change the URL format in this … Read more

Configure Nginx for Jekyll / Octopress / pelican based static website

This post explain, how to configure Nginx web server for Static Website. At the current time, Jekyll,Octopress, pelican are very popular static site generator. Generally for static website we use html files. Note: This post share the Nginx Configuration file settings for static website. We worked on couple of website which were generated with Jekyll,Octopress … Read more

Setup htpasswd on WordPress wp-admin running on nginx

This tutorial will help you to setup htpasswd on WordPress wp-admin running on Nginx server. For security point of view it is important to protect the wp-admin of WordPress. When any user hit your WordPress blog URL with /wp-admin , it will get the wordpress Admin dashboard to login. Here, by setting htpasswd on /wp-admin … Read more