Allow only members of Wheel group to use su command on RHEL/CentOS

In this tutorial we will learn,how to allow only members of Wheel group to use su command.Means only members of wheel group can switch to another user by using su command.As we know that in Red Hat based operating system, wheel group is a special administrative group. To allow only Wheel group’s member to use … Read more

New XAMPP security concept

After installing XAMPP, I saw apache Error page “Access to the requested object is only available from the local network.”I have installed XAMPP for Linux version 1.8.3-3 on CentOS 6.5 . After installation of XAMPP, I opened the URL address in web browser.By-default the URL redirected to Alias /xampp and It shown a apache “Error … Read more

Print double hyphen sign simultaneously in post of Octopress

After spending lot of time on this issue.I finally found the solution to print double hyphen sign simultaneously in post of Octopress.Octopress uses markdown as a default text editor.In recent time,Octopress come up as a promising bloging platform.I was working on my staging blog which is based on Octopress. While writing the post in Octopress,I … Read more

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory While working on setting new squid transparent proxy in network.I faced an unusual error while restarting the Squid service. The getcwd() function copies an absolute pathname of the current working directory to the array pointed to by buf, which is … Read more

fatal error: error writing to /tmp/ccwAjc9Z.s: No space left on device

Today,while working in cloud server.I faced an issue.I was copying some files to s3bucket,which I have mounted by using s3fs package. One every copy command(i.e cp),I was getting error – fatal error: error writing to /tmp/ccwAjc9Z.s: No space left on device. The problem was not new for me.I have seen this problem earlier also.The problem … Read more