Setup Nginx as proxy to serve ghost blog on port 80

In this tutorial, we will setup Nginx as proxy to serve ghost blog on port 80 / http . Nginx is widely used as web server plus it can also be used in various ways like loadbalancer, cacheing server, reverse proxy server etc. The use of nginx web server will boost your ghost server serving … Read more

Create upstart event system for ghost blog on Ubuntu

In this post we will learn , how to create upstart event system for ghost blog on Ubuntu . In our previous post, we have written how to install and run the ghost blog on Ubuntu . By using upstart event system, we can start,stop and restart the ghost with service command. Whereas on system … Read more

How to install and run ghost on Ubuntu

Ghost is free and Open source blogging platform, it is written on javascript . It is very popular among many bloggers now a days. The Ghost is maintained by Ghost Foundation. Do you want to know more about Ghost blogging platform and its history ? You can read about ghost blogging platform on Wikipedia. Know … Read more