sshd error could not load host key

sshd error

After a long gap of time,encountering with ‘sshd error: could not load host key’. The fixing is quite easy in Ubuntu system yet you shuold be careful while solving the issue. This time we found this problem in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server Edition. Sep 29 16:01:28 lab sshd[1088]: error: key_load_private: invalid format Sep 29 16:01:28 … Read more

Centralize authorized_keys file on Linux / Unix system

Authorized_keys are important files which has the information of public keys for public key authentication. By default location is ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Here, ~ is users default home directory in system. While working on SSH, we got requirement to centralize the authorized_keys of all users existing in system. In most of the system for SSH we use … Read more

Protect ssh with Google Authenticator on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

The tutorial is about how we can protect ssh with Google Authenticator on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server . Google authenticator is a security application which implements time based one time password (TOTP) security tokens. It is often also called as “Two steps verification” . The server in which Google Authenticator has been setup , to … Read more

How to create OpenSSH rpm package and its upgrade

In this tutorial we will create rpm package of OpenSSH version 6.7 stable version and will do OpenSSH upgrade. You may be wondering why it is required to create rpm package of OpenSSH version. The answer is because of CVE-2014-2532 . We recently notified with the CVE-2014-2532 , which is a openssh AcceptEnv environment restriction … Read more

error: Could not load host key

Recently while upgrading the OpenSSH server, we faced some issue. This time, the issue was related to ssh key and we got number of lines in message log file with information – “error: Could not load host key” . Here are some brief detail taken from our system. Jan 17 11:14:10 localhost sshd[6294]: error: Could … Read more

error: Could not get shadow information for root

Recently created rpm package from OpenSSH 6.7 tar ball package. After successfully creating rpm and upgrading the OpenSSH server, met with issue – error: Could not get shadow information for root . Given below is some section of the error found in messages log (/var/log/messages) Jan 17 11:21:17 localhost systemd: Started SYSV: OpenSSH server daemon. … Read more