How To Protect From

How To Protect From

We purchased some server in Digital Ocean and found the attack. The same kind of attack we also found in our AWS EC2 servers. is kind of script attack in which attacker try to find the loopholes in phpmyadmin and php with Apache and try to manipulate through URL.The same thing I found…

How to forcefully send mail from mailq in sendmail MTA
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How to forcefully send mail from mailq in sendmail MTA

How to forcefully send mail from mailq in sendmail MTA Sendmail is one of the open source MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) which is widely use in linux operating system. Many times because of high load average of Mail Server and also due to high no. of deffered emails in mail queue, many emails are not…

How to change the frontend of Nagios with VShell in Ubuntu and Debian

How to change the frontend of Nagios with VShell in Ubuntu and Debian

How to change the frontend of Nagios with VShell in Ubuntu and Debian Here in this tutorial we will learn How to install Nagios V Shell to change the frontend. This is continue of my last post on Installing Nagios in Ubuntu. Kindly read the post. To install Nagios V Shell follow these steps :…

find command to search keyword in files recursively in linux

find command to search keyword in files recursively in linux

find command to search keyword in files recursively in linux Find command is one of the system command which is useful to search files and directory. It has many used and you can modify your search by using -exec flag. Here I am using exec with grep command. By below given command you can find…

make command not found in linux CentOS Red Hat ubuntu Debian

make command not found in linux CentOS Red Hat ubuntu Debian

bash: make: command not found Make command is generally used while installing the package from source code. make utility helps to maintain groups of programs There are four types of lines in a makefile: file dependency specifications, shell commands, variable assignments, and comments. In general, lines can be continued from one line to the next…

How to use grep command to get fixed pattern or exact keyword

How to use grep command to get fixed pattern or exact keyword

How to use grep command to get fixed pattern or exact keyword In this post this is a small trick about How to use grep command to get fixed pattern or exact keyword in files. grep command is useful in searching the keyword in files. Without using any flag the grep command will show the…

How to find when Operating system was installed in linux CentOS and Red Hat

How to find when Operating system was installed in linux CentOS and Red Hat

How to find when Operating system was installed in linux CentOS and Red Hat This is a short video to know how you can find out on which date the linux was installed. It is applicable to Red Hat based linux distro. Step 1 : First find out the basesystem rpm. rpm -qa|grep basesystem Step…

Be carefull while using phpinfo script in EC2 beanstalk

Be carefull while using phpinfo script in EC2 beanstalk

Be carefull while using phpinfo script in EC2 beanstalk Currently I tried some EC2 beanstalk instances in AWS. While working I found that in php environment setting there was a parameter for Database username and password. For easy go I set the parameter with mysql Database username and password. After doing this I created a…

How to protect from port scanning and smurf attack in Linux Server by iptables

How to protect from port scanning and smurf attack in Linux Server by iptables

In this post I will share the iptable script in which we will learn How to protect from port scanning and smurf attack in Linux Server. Features Of Script : (1) When a attacker try to port scan your server, first because of iptable attacker will not get any information which port is open. Second…

Could not find make anywhere!!!  Please edit the config section to include the path to make. at ./ line 2101

Could not find make anywhere!!! Please edit the config section to include the path to make. at ./ line 2101

While installing the psad 2.2.1 I got this error : [*] Could not find make anywhere!!! Please edit the config section to include the path to make. at ./ line 2101 . After checking the perl scipt means file I found the it was looking for make command. I try to search with command…