Convert video file into gif file through command line in linux

Convert video file into gif file through command line in linux

In this post, learn how to convert video file into gif file through command line in linux. For converting the video file into gif file there are many methods. We tried most of the methods. We used some software package like mplayer and image-magick. Image-magick has one issue that is related to memory allocation. With…

Learn tar command and know about its precaution

Learn tar command and know about its precaution

Learn tar command and know about its precaution Tar(Tap Archive) command is used in Unix like operating system for archiving the files. Archive is a file which has number of files and these files can be extracted to its original format with the help of extraction programmes. These archived files are called tarballs. If you…

create noreply email id in postfixadmin mysql database

create noreply email id in postfixadmin mysql database

create noreply email id in Virtual Domain and Users postfix mail server in postfixadmin’s mysql database I always prefer to go with Postfix mail server with mysql and dovecot. For postfix mysql as backend I generally use the postfixadmin. Postfixadmin is easy to configure whereas through web interface or command line you can manage the…

configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables

configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables

configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables This kind of error generally comes when you are installing the package from source code. The source code have many C or C++ files which require C compiler. To solve this issue in CentOS and Red Hat ,run the below given command. Here we are using wildcard *…

NOTICE: nagios.cmd file not found.  Please specify the location of this file in your /etc/vshell.conf file

NOTICE: nagios.cmd file not found. Please specify the location of this file in your /etc/vshell.conf file

NOTICE: nagios.cmd file not found. Please specify the location of this file in your /etc/vshell.conf file This is continue of my last post on how to change nagios frontend with vshell Nagios version : 3.x While configuring the vshell it might be possible you can get this warning message.The warning message occur when you run…

check_memory unable to read output Nagios nrpe

check_memory unable to read output Nagios nrpe

check_memory unable to read output Nagios nrpe While setting up the nagios Monitoring system in my new network.I decided to use check_memory plugin. I downloaded the plugin from Here below one is given link. check_mem_avail While working I got this error from check_memory plugin “NRPE : unable to read output” . After debugging I…

send email after mysql backup through bash script in simple way
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send email after mysql backup through bash script in simple way

send email after mysql backup through bash script in simple way In Facebook group one of the user asked this question “how to send email after mysql backup through bash script”. If you know bash scripting a bit it is just a one liner. It can be write in more advanced form but here I…