How to create iso file from CD/DVD and how to mount .iso file in folder

How to create iso file from CD/DVD and how to mount .iso file in folder

Through the command line we can mount CD/DVD ROM and can create .iso file.In this post we will also see how to mount .iso file in a folder.

Step (1) We will create .iso file in our home directory. U must have sufficient space in home directory.

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/root/myfile.iso

Wait ,it will take time.

Step (2) : Above command the myfile.iso will be created.

Now here we will see how we can mount the .iso file in /mnt

mount  -o loop /root/myfile.iso /mnt

Now check the /mnt.

ls /mnt .

It must show the files and director in /mnt


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