Enable ethernet in RHEL 6.0 and CentOS 6.0 : Tested In Virtual Box and VMware

Today I downloaded the CentOS 6.0 and installed it in Virtual Box.After installation I found that no ethernet was enable and has no ip Address.

I tried to troubleshoot, restarted the network service,once again restarted the Machine but no luck so far.But after a few minutes I resolved the issue. So I hope it will help those who are still struck with this issue.

Below are the troubleshooting steps:

Step 1: Use the following command.

ifup eth0                (It will create a file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0)

Step 2: Edit the file ifcfg-eth0 and add and edit the following parameters.

NM_CONTROLLED=”yes”   —>> make it NM_CONTROLLED=”no”

ONBOOT=”no” —->> make it ONBOOT=”yes”

Add this parameter; BOOTPROTO=”dhcp

SAVE the file .


Step 3: Restart the network service.

/etc/init.d/network restart

Step 4: Now check the ip address by command ifconfig


It seems it is Bug in RHEL 6.0 and CentOS 6.0.Because while restarting the network service once again the eth0 did’nt  enable. So I had to restart the network service second time.


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