In this tutorial we will configure the additional ethernet in CentOS. The practical has been done in Virtual box whereas it is also applicable to physical machines.

Scenario: In Virtual Box,we have only one ethernet or NIC card (eth0) while installing the CentOS.Later we added one more ethernet(eth1) but when we were using command ifconfig -a ,the IP address of additional ethernet (eth1) was not there.
In this video we will see how to configure additional ethernet in CentOS 6.x after installing in Virtual Box.
We will get the ip address from DHCP you can also configure with static IP.


Operating System : CentOS 6.4
Arch : i386

Brief How to:

Step 1: Create a new file ifcfg-eth1 in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts (If do not exist). in this practical I copied already existed ifcfg-eth0 to ifcfg-eth1.

Step 2: Edit the ifcfg-eth1 and correct the Hardware Address and Device Name. Remove the UUID from ifcfg-eth1. If you have UUID of eth1 you can use it.
Note: You can get the Hardware address by using command ifconfig -a|grep eth1

Step 3: Initialize the ethernet (eth1) by using command ifup eth1

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