Upgrade firefox on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop

In this post, we will explain how to install / upgrade firefox on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop. After installation of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in my laptop, we upgraded the firefox to version 29. Now at the time of writing this post, firefox stable verion 43 is available.

There is no change in command line, as we have written previously in our post on “Install firefox 29 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)“. A one more step we will do that’s it.

Install / Upgrade firefox on Ubuntu 14.4 LTS Desktop

Simply run the below given command line. It will either install or upgrade the existing firefox on your system. Please note that close the firefox while running these commands.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox firefox-locale-en

After successful command completion, what next?

Open the firefox and visit this firefox URL – https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ .You will see one ‘Refresh button’. Click on it. It will check and fix the issue in firefox if it exists. [We forgot to take screnshoot]

If you are not getting the Refresh button or want to get refresh again, visit the URL – https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/refresh-firefox-reset-add-ons-and-settings
See the given below Firefox Refresh page screenshot –

upgrade firefox on Ubuntu

We expect the firefox browser is still open in your Desktop. Click on ‘Help’ button and then click on ‘About Firefox’. Hope now in about page,new firefox version number is appearing. Like as shown in given below screenshot. [You must always see latest stable firefox version which will be available during the time of firefox installation/upgradation ]

upgrade firefox