In this tutorial, we will learn how to install latest Google Chrome in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) . No matter, what Google Chrome version is released . To make the practical easy to approach to new bie , we have given the topic as “Install latest Google Chrome in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)” . At the time of writing this post, same steps can be followed in all Ubuntu Desktop versions including prior to 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr).

Install Google Chrome in Ubuntu

To install Google Chrome latest version, we will use the basic method. I am highlighting the brief steps , if you are expereinced , user you can easily get the clue.

(a) Download the latest Google Chrome from Google Chrome‘s Website
(b) Install the Chrome package with dpkg command i.e dpkg -i package-name

Follow the given below steps to install Google Chrome in Ubuntu

Step 1: First check the Operating System architecture.
You can check the O.S Architecture by two method

x86_64 = 64 bit
i386 = 32 bit

(i) By typing command arch command in terminal
See below given reference from my system . My system has x86_64 O.S architecture.

sharad@linuxworld:~$ arch


(ii) By opening Details from Dashhome . Hit superkey (or Window key) >> type Details >> Click on Details. A System Details Window will open. You can read the O.S architecture.
In my system, it is x86_64. It may be different in your case

Below given is reference from my system

Ubuntu Architecture

Step 2 : After knowing the O.S architecture. Open the Web browser and go to Google Chrome’s Website link.
You will see the Download button, click on it.


Step 3 : After clicking on Download button, it will lead to you in new page. Now as per Step 1, we know about our O.S architecture. Hence, as per your O.S architecture, click on relative radio button.

I have x86_64 O.S arch, then I will click on 64 bit .deb (For Debian/Ubuntu)
If your O.S arch is i386 then click on radio button of 32 bit .deb (For Debian/Ubuntu)

After selecting deb package on the basis of O.S architecture. Click on Accept and Install button


Step 4: Now after clicking on Accept and Install button, a small download Window will come on screen. Click on Save radio button option and then click on OK button.
It will start downloading the google chrome latest version package.


Step 5 : Now change to directory of Downloaded location. By default, the web browser download the files in /home/username/Downloads directory.

( In case, you have changed the path of Download location in Web browser, then search the downloaded chrome package there )

In my system, I have system Username is sharad . Hence I used the command cd ~/sharad/Downloads

Install the Google Chrome package by using dpkg -i command .
We have got .deb package (google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb)

Now use the below given command.

dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

See the below given reference from my system

Google Chrome

Step 6 : After installation, Open the dashhome and type Chrome. Now click on Chrome icon. It will open the Google Chrome. You can also drag and drop the icon in Side toolbar as shortcut.

Google Chrome

It will open the Google Chrome.Before this it will ask to make Chrome as default web browser.


Google Chrome

In above screenshot, we can see we have installed Google Chrome Version 34.0.1847.132.
Now you can enjoy internet browsing in Google Chrome

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