Google Authenticator Apps

We have recently wrote a post on Protect ssh with Google Authenticator on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS . After writing the post, we were determined to share info on the Google Authenticator Apps for Linux / Windows / Smart Phones / Web Browsers.

Google Authenticator apps is used for generating codes even you are not connected to internet.
In this post we will share the useful URLs from where you can get Google Authenticator.

Note : We have tried to share Google Authenticator Apps information so that maximum users should able to use it . We highly appreciate if you also share some information with us and it helps people.

Get Google Authenticator Apps

On Smart Phones : To get the Google Authenticator on your smart phones. Follow this URL of Google Support.
The URL has complete step by step information to get Google Authenticator on Android, IOS , Blackberry devices etc.


On Linux : On linux systems you can install Oath Toolkit .
You can download the Oath Toolkit from their official page.

Reference, on Ubuntu systems, we have installed the oathtool by using following command –

sudo apt-get install oathtool

To generate code, run the command after installing oathtool

oathtool --totp -b 

URL :Project URL :

On Windows : On Windows, we have have tested WinAuth. Hence, sharing same with our readers as well. You can download the WinAuth from its website .

URL :Download WinAuth :

On Web Browser : Using Google Authenticator apps on web browser is simplest way . The advantage of using this is , it is Operating System independent. So no matter which Operating System you are using.

Through our blog we would like to highly appreciate Gerard Braad for contributing plugin for web browser.

URL :GAuth Authenticator Plugin for Web browsers: