
How to install ffmpeg on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 for multimedia processing

In this post, we will learn how to install ffmpeg on CentOS 8/RHEL 8. The ffmpeg is a program which is used in processing of multimedia content such as audio,video etc. It consist of many libraries and tools which helps to process the multimedia content. Through ffmpeg you can record,convert and stream the audio-video. Steps…

git jenkins credential github
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How to setup Jenkins Credentials for Git repo access

It is crucial and mandatory step that you have to setup Git Credentials for accessing Git repo calling from Jenkins Jobs. The Jenkins Credentials can be called by its variable also. This article will help you to setup Jenkins Credentials for Git repo access. It is basic of Jenkins and must read article. In our…

Jenkins Credentials
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How to manage Jenkins Credentials

In this article we will share information to manage Jenkins Credentials. As we know the Credentials are basically use for verifying the identity of user/group and their authentication. In simple layman term, credentials are user/password . To store and manage credentials in Jenkins we need plugins. While installing the Jenkins on server if you have…

manage jenkins plugin through command line and GUI
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Managing Jenkins plugins : command and GUI

Introduction Jenkins Plugins play very important role for adding and enhancing the features in Jenkins. Managing Jenkins Plugin is also crucial. In simple term, manage Jenkins plugin carefully and in return you will get awesome functions and features. In this post, we will learn managing Jenkins plugin from command line and GUI. Because Jenkins is…

Create Jenkins user
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How to create Jenkins user by command line and GUI

In our previous post, we did installation of Jenkins on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server. Now in this post we will learn to create Jenkins user by command line and GUI method. In this article, we will use the term JENKINS_URL, it means the URL of your Jenkins server. For example – http://localhost:8080 or https://localhost. Therefor,…

Install Jenkiins on Ubuntu
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How to install Jenkins on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server

In this post we will install Jenkins on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server. For installing the Jenkins, we will use ‘Generic Java Package (war)’. Jenkins is very popular automation server widely use for building,deploying and automating the projects. It is one of the Open Source Software which is mostly prefer for CI/CD. There are lots of…

Fix Ubuntu 16.04 System Settings Not Opening

Fix Ubuntu 16.04 System Settings Not Opening

After doing upgrading some softwares and system update, the system settings not opening on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS desktop. Whenever we were clicking on ‘System Settings’ nothing was appearing on Desktop. The package called unity-control-center is a graphical user interface to configure various aspects of Unity. You can read more about the details on this package…

sshd error

Ubuntu / Debian : sshd error could not load host key

Summary We recently encountered with ‘sshd error: could not load host key’. The fixing is quite easy in Ubuntu Linux system yet you should be careful while solving the issue. This time we found this problem in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server Edition whereas the method is applicable to other Ubuntu and Debian based Linux Operating…