

In this post we will learn how to install terraform on linux operating system. Terraform is open source Infrastructure As Code (IaC) automation tool.In other words, for infrastructure as code you can use terraform. It works basically with providers like aws, azure, vmware etc. Due to hypbrid network like cloud and on premises network, terraform is playing a instrumental role.

This post will help you to install the terraform.

Install Terraform on CentOS/RHEL system

Follow the given below steps to install terraform.

Install wget and unzip

    sudo yum install wget unzip

    Download terraform package

      We will strongly suggest to always download and use latest package. Visit to terraform website to download terraform latest package.

      wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.8/terraform_0.11.8_linux_amd64.zip

      Unzip the downloaded package

        By using unzip command, it will extract one binary file called ‘terraform’

        unzip terraform_0.11.8_linux_amd64.zip 

        Copy unzipped terraform file to /usr/local/bin

          sudo cp terraform /usr/local/bin

          Executable permission to terraform script

            sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/terraform

            Check terraform version

              Because we have copied the binary file to /usr/local/bin, the terraform command is available. You can check its absolute path by using command which terraform

              The below command will show the version of terraform.

              terraform --version 

              Install Terraform on Ubuntu/Debian system

              Follow the given below steps to install terraform on Ubuntu or Debian based Operating System.

              Install wget and unzip package

                sudo apt-get install wget unzip

                Download terraform package

                  Visit to terraform website and download terraform latest package.

                  wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.8/terraform_0.11.8_linux_amd64.zip

                  Unzip the downloaded package.

                  unzip terraform_0.11.8_linux_amd64.zip 

                  Copy unzipped terraform file to /usr/local/bin

                    sudo cp terraform /usr/local/bin

                    Executable permission to terraform script

                      sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/terraform

                      Because terraform extracted file copied to /usr/local/bin, the terraform command is available. Check the absolute path by command which terraform

                      Check terraform version

                      Check the version of terraform by given below command.

                      terraform --version 

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