Debian Wheezy 7.1 package not found

Debian Wheezy 7.1 package not found

Today I installed the Debian wheezy 7.1 and after doing apt-get update first problem I found ,the system was searching packages from CDROM. Because I do not want to install packages from CD first I commented the below given lines in /etc/apt/sources.list nano /etc/apt/sources.list # deb-src cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 _Wheezy_ – Official Multi-architecture i386/amd64/source DVD…

How to configure vsftpd server with virtual user mysql authentication in CentOS 6

How to configure vsftpd server with virtual user mysql authentication in CentOS 6

In this tutorial we will learn about how to configure vsftpd server with virtual user and mysql authentication in backend in CentOS 6 and Red Hat 6. Note: SELINUX and IPTABLES are disabled Features: vsftp server with chroot mysql authentication virtual users in mysql (Not in local system) Server Details: Operating System:CentOS release 6.4 (Final)…

How to install pam_mysql in CentOS or Red Hat

How to install pam_mysql in CentOS or Red Hat

How to install pam_mysql in CentOS or Red Hat While working on some mysql authentication.I required pam_mysql. In CentOS 6.4 I found it was not available even in CentOS 5 it was not also. Again same method is applied. Download the EPEL repo. Step 1: Install latest EPEL Repo rpm -ivh Step 2: Now…

How to create VirtualHost in Apache Web Server

How to create VirtualHost in Apache Web Server

In this tutorial we will learn how to create VirtualHost in Apache Webserver. With the help of VirtualHost we can host many domains or website from single Web Server.This is a simple example to start with your first VirtualHost configuration in Apache Webserver. We have used a few terms which is required for setting up…

How to rename and move the directory and files in linux

How to rename and move the directory and files in linux

To rename and move the directory and files in linux in linux we use single command called mv. The mv command is used for both purpose means renaming and moving the directory or file,it is system command which ships bydefault when you install any linux. The command is also applicable to all Unix based operating…

How to set user postgres password in postgresql 9.1

How to set user postgres password in postgresql 9.1

In this tutorial we will learn How to set user postgres password in postgresql 9.1 and force to prompt for password. When you freshly install Postgresql and after using command psql it will allow you to login into postgresql server without prompting or asking for password. Here we will first of all reset the password…

How to configure ethernet in CentOS 6 after installing in Virtual Box

How to configure ethernet in CentOS 6 after installing in Virtual Box

In this tutorial we will configure the additional ethernet in CentOS. The practical has been done in Virtual box whereas it is also applicable to physical machines. Scenario: In Virtual Box,we have only one ethernet or NIC card (eth0) while installing the CentOS.Later we added one more ethernet(eth1) but when we were using command ifconfig…

Your own analytics server like google analytics with Piwik

Your own analytics server like google analytics with Piwik

Piwik is free and open source web analytics software for your websites.It helps to give insight details of your website visitors activity. Likewise google analytics it is also capable of providing the Live website visitors information. It comes with many default features,apps and plugin which enhance the Piwik as one of the best analytics software…