While installing the python module I got this error ,”error command ‘gcc’ failed with exit status 1 ”
To solve this issue install python-dev package
sudo apt-get install python-dev
Now recheck,I hope the problem is solved now.
While installing the python module I got this error ,”error command ‘gcc’ failed with exit status 1 ”
To solve this issue install python-dev package
sudo apt-get install python-dev
Now recheck,I hope the problem is solved now.
Sharad Chhetri is an experienced Linux - Cloud Engineer & freelancer. Working on Open Source Technology since RHEL 4.0 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). He loves sharing the knowledge which earned from real scenarios. Don't be surprised if you find him in technology seminars and meetup groups. You can contact him on email for freelance projects at admin@sharadchhetri.com.
Installing owncloud in Ubuntu 13.04 In this tutorial we will learn how to install owncloud in ubuntu 13.04. Step 1: Update the apt repo source list sudo echo ‘deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:ownCloud:community/xUbuntu_13.04/ /’ >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/owncloud.list Step 2: Now add the repository key to apt sudo wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:ownCloud:community/xUbuntu_13.04/Release.key apt-key add – < Release.key Step 3: Update the system...
In this tutorial we will learn about, how to install vshell frontend on Nagios Core 4 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Nagios vshell is php based web interface for Nagios Core.It is lightweight and easy to customize. To get the details of Nagios Vshell , here is the link. To install vshell frontend on Nagios Core 4…
Recently I installed CentOS 7 in my local system. As we know there are many new changes has been done in CentOS 7 version. Today, I am writing about our first finding in CentOS 7. Through this post we will know about how to find CentOS Linux realase version on CentOS 7 series. In previous…
CHECK_NRPE: Error – Could not complete SSL handshake nagios The nrpe uses the port no. 5666 to communicate . The same port no. must be opened in nagios server as well as in nagios client. Usually we see the error “CHECK_NRPE: Error – Could not complete SSL handshake” .It is because nrpe works with ssl…
In this tutorial,we will learn about 4 different commands to find system uptime in linux.Uptime of system means how long the server has been running and up since its last shutdown or reboot.The information about uptime is very useful in many cases it helps to audit how long the server is running and even some…
Question: What is GECOS in Linux ? How to set GECOS for user on Linux ? Answer: GECOS in linux is also known as comment field for User.The comment or GECOS field is used for informational purpose. In comments field generally we write the information related to user for eg. employee id,phone number,department name,branch name…