What is Google Fonts
Google Fonts are free and open source fonts. It is huge repository of awesome fonts contributed by many designers.
According to Google Fonts Team:
All of the fonts are Open Source. This means that you are free to share your favorites with friends and colleagues. You can even customize them for your own use, or collaborate with the original designer to improve them. And you can use them in every way you want, privately or commercially — in print, on your computer, or in your websites.
Steps to install Google Fonts On Ubuntu
It is important that package called Fontconfig should be installed on your Ubuntu system.
1. Check/Install Fontconfig
First verify do your ubuntu desktop has fontconfig package installed. Use the below given to verify
sudo dpkg -l |grep fontconfig
If it is installed on your Ubuntu system then skip to Step 2 else use below given command to install fontconfig package.
sudo apt-get install fontconfig
2. Create directory .fonts
Now create a directory in user’s home directory.
mkdir ~/.fonts
3. Download Google Fonts
Download the google fonts inside directory ~/.fonts which we have just created in Step 3. Also unzip the google fonts downloaded file inside same .fonts directory.
cd ~/.fonts && wget https://github.com/google/fonts/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip
4. Build font information cache files
Now build font information cache files by using the command below given command
sudo fc-cache -fv
Wait for a few minutes till the command get successfully finish.
That’s all, now in your Ubuntu system google fonts are available. You can find the google fonts available to others application also like gimp,gedit etc.
Many Thanks.
All work perfectly. Except for this last command “fc-cache -fv”. it needed to be executed with sudo in order to work for me.
Anyway great job mate.
Thank you Simon!
Thanks Shri Chettri.
Is there a way to install Google (or other) fonts in Ubuntu through GUI tools? If Ubuntu (and Linux in general) is to be in reckoning as a desktop OS, 99.99% of the new users will be those who do not know the UNIX command line and will have be given GUI tools.
if they use ubuntu or any linux distro they have to know how to use command line. Its not possible to use any of these distros without ever touching the command line. And if they can open it, its just a matter of copying and pastying these lines.