Virtual Machine inaccessible status on VirtualBox 4.3

Problem of the day : Virtual Machine inaccessible status on VirtualBox 4.3 .
Today while working in VirtualBox 4.3 ,I got an issue.The Virtual Machine got the status “inaccessible” .After searching in VirtualBox related directories and commands,I finally able to resolve the issue.For resolving this issue,we will use command line.We have another option i.e by editing the ~/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml file.But for quick solution,I decided to go with command line.

Virtual Box inaccessible

The given below are the troubleshooting steps

Step 1: Open the terminal and list the Virtual Machine in host system.Use the below given command.

vboxmanage list vms

Below given is the reference from my system

sharad@LinuxMintBox ~ $ vboxmanage list vms
” {602e2ec2-de12-48b4-9b78-5d68c64debcc}
sharad@LinuxMintBox ~ $

Step 2: Now you will get the output. This output is UUID of Virtual Machine .
Copy the uuid and use it in below given command.Here we are unregistering the Virtual Machine.

is UUID of my system’s VM.Replace it with UUID which you got

vboxmanage unregistervm {602e2ec2-de12-48b4-9b78-5d68c64debcc}

sharad@LinuxMintBox ~ $ vboxmanage unregistervm {602e2ec2-de12-48b4-9b78-5d68c64debcc}
sharad@LinuxMintBox ~ $ echo $?
sharad@LinuxMintBox ~ $

At the end,I used the command echo $?. This is for confirming the last comand success status.In output we got ZERO,hence command run successfully

Now the issue is resolved and I got the good result.See the below given screenshot

Virtual Box inaccessible

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