How to install libxml2 and libxslt packages on CentOS 6.5

How to install libxml2 and libxslt packages on CentOS 6.5

The post is about how to install libxml2 and libxslt packages on CentOS 6.5 . The method is applicable to Red Hat based distro . libxml2 is a software library for parsing XML documents. It is also the basis for the libxslt library which processes XSLT-1.0 stylesheets. (Reference : Wikipedia) libxslt is the XSLT C…

Search keyword in all available man pages – man command

Search keyword in all available man pages – man command

In this tutorial we will learn, simple method to find the keyword in all available man pages in Linux / Unix system. First we have to be confirm that man command is installed. man page Abbreviation of man page is manual page. It is a software documentation in Unix like operating system. Generally in many…

pwd command

print working directory ( pwd , PWD , OLDPWD ) in Linux / Unix

When we work in terminal or command line, sometime we want to know in which current directory we are working. And sometimes we also want to know in which previous directory I worked.These requirement are simple but are very important for system administration. Information of working directory is also required in scripting. When system administrator…

cd command

6 important examples of cd command on Linux and Unix Systems

In Linux and Unix Systems, cd command is one the basic,essential and frequently use command.Abbreviation of cd is “Change Directory” . For Linux/Unix System Administrator, it is important to know by how many ways cd command can be used. In this post, I have listed 6 examples which will help you in your daily system…

type command

type Command : Display Information About Command Type On Linux

In this post we are explaining about type command with examples. In Linux system, type command is used for displaying information about command types. It displays if command is an alias,shell function, shell builtin, disk file, or shell reserved word. You can use type command with other command names also. With the help of type…

Find exit status code of last executed command on Linux and Unix

Find exit status code of last executed command on Linux and Unix

When we execute any command or script,it returns an exit status. The exit status is also called as return code or exit code. It is important to know the exit status of command which we execute. The method which we are going to describe become more helpful with script also. Exit status must be an…

df command

6 df Command Examples To Check Mounted Filesystem On Linux

In this tutorial we will learn about, how to use df command to check the mounted filesystem on linux. As a Linux System administrator, this command is basic and very important.The df command shows the usage of mounted filesystem.It is notable that the filesystems which are not mounted on system,we can not get its information…

How to show user account password expiration detail on Linux

How to show user account password expiration detail on Linux

The post is about to show account aging information.To get details of user account password expiration ,we use the command chage. With chage command use the option -l or –list. The chage program requires a shadow password file to be available.The absolute path of shadow file is /etc/shadow.It is notable that /etc/shadow file has password…