blockquote in style.css applicable to wordpress and blogger sites

blockquote in style.css applicable to wordpress and blogger sites

blockquote for style.css applicable to wordpress and blogger sites Blockquotes are useful in blogging or any website because with the help of blockquote you can highlight the text in box with border or borderless as per your choice. Many readers of my blog have asked the question about how to have a common blockquote which…

WordPress host IP changed not able to open wp-admin and site page looks scattered

WordPress host IP changed not able to open wp-admin and site page looks scattered

WordPress host IP changed not able to open wp-admin and site page looks scattered Today I was working on my Virtual Machine in my laptop and was trying to check some theme options.In Virtual Machine I have set ip address to be taken dynamically from DHCP server.Today my wifi change the ip address of Virtual…

Error: Could not stat() command file ‘/var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd’!
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Error: Could not stat() command file ‘/var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd’!

Error: Could not stat() command file ‘/var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd’! While working on Nagios Server in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,I was setting external command and stuck with this error message. To solve the problem follow these commands sudo /etc/init.d/nagios3 stop sudo dpkg-statoverride –update –add nagios www-data 2710 /var/lib/nagios3/rw sudo dpkg-statoverride –update –add nagios nagios 751 /var/lib/nagios3 sudo /etc/init.d/nagios3 start…

Sorry, but Nagios is currently not checking for external commands, so your command will not be committed!

Sorry, but Nagios is currently not checking for external commands, so your command will not be committed!

Sorry, but Nagios is currently not checking for external commands, so your command will not be committed! This message comes on nagios dashboard when externals commands are disable. To enable external commands.Edit the nagios.cfg file and enable the value of check_external_commands parameter. Change the value from 0 to 1 In Debian or Ubuntu: vi /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg…

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When you try to ssh the another remote Linux/Unix machine , you might have encountered with the WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! . This message we have often seen when we work in Linux machines. In this post we have provided the Reason and Solution on this Warning. root@tuxworld:/tmp# ssh @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING:…

ssh public key fingerprint
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How To Get SSH Public Key Fingerprint Information

Long time ago one of my U.S system admin was very security conscious. He asked me to create key in server. I created the key with ssh-keygen -t rsa command. And send it him through encrypted email. Next day he wrote me ,what is the ssh key fingerprint ? First let’s have some introduction….

How to install own git server with ssh and http access by using gitolite and gitweb in CentOS
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How to install own git server with ssh and http access by using gitolite and gitweb in CentOS

In this tutorial we will learn about,how to install own git server with ssh and http access by using gitolite and gitweb in CentOS.For user management in Git Server,we will use the Gitolite.For showing the repository list on web interface,we will use Gitweb. And Smart HTTP is configured in Apache, to access the Git server…

How to create own Git Server with Gitolite and Gitweb in Ubuntu
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How to create own Git Server with Gitolite and Gitweb in Ubuntu

In this tutorial we will learn how to create own git server.This time I have selected Gitolite for git server and gitweb to display git repositories. Why Gitolite ? Answer: Easy to setup,have user management through command line,very less memory and cpu usage. Why Gitweb? Answer: To display repositories in web interface and view can…

Agent admitted failure to sign using the key ssh
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Agent admitted failure to sign using the key ssh

In new server today created a authorized_keys file in /root/.ssh/ directory. After doing ssh first time got the error – Agent admitted failure to sign using the key For solving this issue use the command ssh-add in client machine ssh-add Given below are the outputs from terminal. The solution pretty much straight simple. sharad@mypc:~$ ssh…

How to see system load average in terminal with graphical representation

How to see system load average in terminal with graphical representation

How to see system load average in terminal with graphical representation Few days back we wrote on 4 commands to find loadaverage of system. tload is the command through which we can find the loadaverage of system whereas it will show the loadaverage in Terminal with graphical representation. For more details read manpage of tload….