How to install mod_fcgid on CentOS and RHEL

Today, while working on CentOS server, the requirement was to install mod_fcgid . In CentOS , the by-defualt yum repo link does not have mod_fcgid package.

What is mod_fcgid

mod_fcgid is a high performance alternative to mod_cgi or mod_cgid, which starts a sufficient number instances of the CGI program to handle concurrent requests, and these programs remain running to handle further incoming requests. It is favored by the PHP developers, for example, as a preferred alternative to running mod_php in-process, delivering very similar performance.
(Reference : Apache Website)

(For further reading : About mod_fcgid)

Description Of Server

Operating System : CentOS 6.5
Arch : x86_64
Web Server : Apache 2.2

How to install mod_fcgid on CentOS / RHEL

Now we will install mod_fcgid by using yum command.

Step 1: To install mod_fcgid on CentOS / RHEL , first we will install EPEL repo .

rpm -ivh


yum install wget
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

Step 2: Now install the mod_fcgid

yum install mod_fcgid

To confirm mod_fcgi package is installed

Run the command –

rpm -qa|grep mod_fcgid

Below given is the reference from our Server :
In below given output you can see, mod_fcgi version is 2.3.9-1

[root@Server ~]# rpm -qa|grep mod_fcgid
[root@Server ~]#

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