How to write description of git repo

In this post we will learn about a tip that is how to write description of git repo.We have setup git server with gitolite and gitweb in Linux Server by following the previous tutorial(in CentOS and Ubuntu). If you open the gitweb you may find there is no description or no proper description is written correspond to git repo.

To write the description for Git repo,follow the given below steps

Step 1: Login into git server by root. And switch to user called git .

# su -l git

Step 2: Now change to git repository directory. In git the repository directory has .git as suffix with repo name. for eg. Repository directory name would be testing.git

Note: Here, you must be login with user called git (as per our git server tutorial)

Replace testing.repo with your git repo directory name as you can find in your server

$ cd /home/git/repositories/testing.repo

Step 3: Now create a file called description (If file called description is already there then just edit this file)

$ echo "Write the description of your git repo" > description

Now check in your gitweb dashboard. The Git repo must have description.

Below given is reference of gitweb screenshot.


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