How to upgrade Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 by command line

In this post I am sharing a tip how to upgrade Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 by command line.In my last post about upgrading the Ubuntu 12.10 to 13.04 we have used the same command. Here the command is also applicable when you want to upgrade from Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10.

To upgrade the Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10,use the given below command

Login as super user. After using the do-release-upgrade command in terminal ,reply the questions which will be asked while upgradation.

Note: In this upgradation method you should have high internet bandwidth.

$ sudo su -

# do-release-upgrade

After all the steps get completed,restart the system

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    1. Wenceslaus,

      I have not checked in AWS.In Ubuntu 13.10 there are some changes I found,mainly in php module.When I upgrade in VM to 13.10 some php module did not work eg. php mcrypt. It might be possible the Apache version will also be upgraded to 2.4 . In Apache 2.4 version AllowOverride has some different terms instead of using Deny from all or Allow from all. Test first in your local system if you find something is broken then do not try.

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