ghost blog reset password and activate user from sqlite

Ghost blog by default uses the sqlite database. After installing the Ghost blog on Ubuntu , I forgot the password of user. Because of unsuccessful trial more than a limit, my user also get deactivated.

We have setup the self hosted ghost blog , hence it is quite easy to reset the password and activate the user from sqlite database.

Note: We recommend you to configure the mail settings because forgotten password you will receive in your registered mail account.

Install sqlite to access the database

Install sqlite on your system.

On Debian/Ubuntu system :

sudo apt-get install sqlite3

On CentOS/RHEL :

yum install sqlite

How to reset forgotten password of ghost blog user from sqlite

The ghost blog use the bcrypt to save the users password in sqlite database.

Generate bcrypt password

I am using online bcrypt generator. You can search in google/duckduckgo , will find many online generator.

I generated ‘password123’ its bcrypt formate is $2a$10$UvclXkN3qwFqEj7nT2uGBedStIdt4rshca5JSzsj9bygk3U/IA7F6

Resetting ghost blog user password

Go to GHOST_DIR/content/data directory. Here, GHOST_DIR should replaced with absolute path where you have installed ghost.

Run the below given command from the directory GHOST_DIR/content/data

## On Debian/ Ubuntu
sqlite3 ghost.db

## On RHEL/CentOS
sqlite ghost.db

Use below given syntax, to reset ghost blog user password

UPDATE users SET password='' WHERE email = '';

For example, we have set our ghots blog user like this.

UPDATE users SET password='$2a$10$UvclXkN3qwFqEj7nT2uGBedStIdt4rshca5JSzsj9bygk3U/IA7F6' WHERE email = '';

To exit from sqlite type –


How to activate / Unlock ghost user

Because of unsuccessful trial of wrong password while signing into ghost blog. Your user account will be deactivated or get locked.

To solve this issue, go to GHOST_DIR/content/data directory. And run follow below given command.

## On Debian/ Ubuntu
sqlite3 ghost.db

## On RHEL/CentOS
sqlite ghost.db

Now update the database –

UPDATE users SET status='active' WHERE email = '';

For example, you can see below given command from our ghost server :

UPDATE users SET status='active' WHERE email = '';

Now exit from sqlite database.


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