In this post we will show how to create a single node Virtual Machine with Vagrant. As we know in our previous post we written about How to install Vagrant on Ubuntu and create first VM.
We use Vagrant in our environment for doing lots of testing, POC(Proof Of Concept) and do some pre-work check before it goes to real Dev Environment. When we started there were less Vagrant Providers(including VirtualBox) , now currently it supports various providers like Cloud,containers,HyperV etc.
In Vagrant the main hero is Vagrantfile, from this you manage your Vagrant ecosystem in your machine. You can create Single VM or Multi VM setup with Vagrant. In this post, we are covering Single node VM creation with Vagrant.
Steps to create Single Virtual Machine with Vagrant
In this example, we will show basic config which we often use and will give basic insight so that you can play with some more Vagrantfile config by yourself.
Step 1::Open the terminal in your system because we will use command line here.
Step 2: Create directory where you will keep the Vagrantfile.
mkdir -p ~/vagrant_boxes/Single_VM/poc_box
Step 3: Change to newly created directory
cd ~/vagrant_boxes/Single_VM/poc_box
Step 4: Create a file called ‘Vagrantfile’ and paste the given below contents in it. Important to note, Vagrant is written in Ruby language.
We use the ‘vi’ editor because we love it. You can use other file editor of your choice like ‘nano’,’gedit’,’atom’,’sublime’.’vscode’ etc. there is N numbers of options available.
vi Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure # configures the configuration version (we support older styles for # backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what # you're doing. Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| # In 'config' block, set variable 'vb' where defining desired Vagrant Provider and VM specs. config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| = "webserver01" vb.memory = 1024 vb.cpus = 2 end #now using main 'config' block, defining OS,Hostname and Virtual Box network type. = "centos/8" config.vm.hostname = "webserver01" "private_network", ip: "" end
Step 5: Run the command to create single node Virtual Machine in VirtualBox. You can see the execution in your terminal.
vagrant up
Once it is completed, open Virtual Box in your system.You will find your Single VM created with Vagrant.
In given below screenshot, you can see the highlighted changes.
Note: You can give any other name to Variable but you have to use that particular Variable name for calling in code.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
The “2” represents the configuration for 1.1+ leading up to 2.0.x. And ‘config’ is the variable.
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
Calling ‘config’ variable and defining VM provider ‘virtualbox’. For this block, the variable called ‘vb’ is set.
Inside the ‘vb’ block, rest are self explanatory. Here, we are setting Memory and CPU for the Virtual Machine. The memory default value is taken in MB hence 1024 means 1024 MB.
Now the ‘vb’ variable code block is END and then again we started using ‘config’ variable. To define vagrant box, hostname and VirtualBox network type we are ‘config’ variable again. = "centos/8"
this refers the Vagrant Box. Vagrant Cloud is the platform to find number of Vagrant boxes. Get the exact box name and use it in your Vagrantfile configuration.
Reference: Do you want to know more Vagrantfile configurations? Here is the Vagrant Official Documentation.