WARNING: getfattr not found, certain checks will be skipped

While mounting the Gluster Volume into Ubuntu 14.04 client, recently met with warning that is “WARNING: getfattr not found, certain checks will be skipped..” . We are writing this quick solution for this warning.

As the WARNING itself speaks about getfattr not found. So we will work on to get this command on our system.

getfattr is command to get extended attributes of filesystem objects. After installing the attr package we can get this command.
Note: attr is a command used for extended attributes on XFS filesystem objects.

Install attr package.

sudo apt-get install attr

Now try again mounting the gluster volume. I hope the WARNING is gone now.

2 thoughts on “WARNING: getfattr not found, certain checks will be skipped”

  1. Thanks for this – just what I was looking for on my CentOS boxes. Except I found it with a

    # yum whatprovides getfattr

    And resolved with a

    # yum install attr

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