Install and configure rsyslog Centralized logging server in CentOS 6.5

In this tutorial we will learn, how to install and configure rsyslog 7.6 version on RHEL 6.5/CentOS 6.5 .The scenario is,install and setup rsyslog Centralized Logging Server in RHEL/CentOS 6.5. All the logs from client servers will be sent to Centralized logging server i.e rsyslog server. Check Pre-installed rsyslog package Step 1: First of all … Read more

How to enable logging of haproxy in rsyslog

After installing the HAproxy 1.4 in CentOS 6.4 bydefault logging of haproxy was not enable.To enable the logging of HAProxy you have to enable it in rsyslog(In CentOS 6.4 minimal installation,rsyslog version 5.2 is shipped). To setup logging in HAproxy,follow the given below steps Step 1: In Global Section of haproxy.cfg put the value log … Read more