How to enable logging of haproxy in rsyslog

After installing the HAproxy 1.4 in CentOS 6.4 bydefault logging of haproxy was not enable.To enable the logging of HAProxy you have to enable it in rsyslog(In CentOS 6.4 minimal installation,rsyslog version 5.2 is shipped). To setup logging in HAproxy,follow the given below steps Step 1: In Global Section of haproxy.cfg put the value log … Read more

Saving every command and its output in log in Unix

In this post we will learn about saving every linux/unix command and its output in log file. The command called script will be use to save the command output in log. Run script command to save command output in file/log script  filename.log Example: [root@server1 ~]# [root@server1 ~]# script my.log Script started, file is my.log Welcome … Read more