df command

6 df Command Examples To Check Mounted Filesystem On Linux

In this tutorial we will learn about, how to use df command to check the mounted filesystem on linux. As a Linux System administrator, this command is basic and very important.The df command shows the usage of mounted filesystem.It is notable that the filesystems which are not mounted on system,we can not get its information…

How to show user account password expiration detail on Linux

How to show user account password expiration detail on Linux

The post is about to show account aging information.To get details of user account password expiration ,we use the command chage. With chage command use the option -l or –list. The chage program requires a shadow password file to be available.The absolute path of shadow file is /etc/shadow.It is notable that /etc/shadow file has password…

How to show line numbers with less command in Linux

How to show line numbers with less command in Linux

Today,in this post we will learn, How to show line numbers with less command in Linux.In our previous post we have described about how to show line number with cat command. Less command is similar to more command but it has more features.As the name suggest, it read less output rather than reading the entire…

How to test rpm package before installation

How to test rpm package before installation

In this tutorial we will know, how to test rpm package before installation .You may have seen while installing the rpm package file by using rpm -i command, some problem may occur. It can be issue with dependency,GPG signature or corrupt rpm package etc. As a Linux System Engineer,this command is very useful and should…

How to find installation date and time of rpm package

How to find installation date and time of rpm package

In this post,we will know the linux command to find installation date and time of rpm package. As a Linux System Administrator,we take part in IT auditing activity. Sometimes for cross check we require the exact date and time of rpm file installed in Red Hat based Operating System (RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux). Hence,for auditing purpose,it is…

Allow only members of Wheel group to use su command on RHEL/CentOS

Allow only members of Wheel group to use su command on RHEL/CentOS

In this tutorial we will learn,how to allow only members of Wheel group to use su command.Means only members of wheel group can switch to another user by using su command.As we know that in Red Hat based operating system, wheel group is a special administrative group. To allow only Wheel group’s member to use…

create a system account below uid 500 on RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux

create a system account below uid 500 on RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux

In this post we will know,how to create a system account below uid 500 on Red Hat based operating system.In Red Hat based operating system,the system account are below UID 500. The UID below 500 are reserved for system use ,it should not be assigned to other users. We can easily check the system user…

Extract single and selected files from RPM package on Linux

Extract single and selected files from RPM package on Linux

Question : How can I extract single and selected files from RPM package on Linux. Answer : You can extract the single and number of selected files from RPM package by using rpm2cpio and cpio command.To achieve this task we will first list the number of files inside RPM package. After getting files name, we…

linux command to list the files from rpm package without extracting

linux command to list the files from rpm package without extracting

Question: What is the linux command to list the files from rpm package without extracting ? Answer : To do listing of files from rpm file package we will use rpm2cpio and cpio command. It is good practice to check list of files before extracting files from rpm package. By viewing list of files we…

How to extract RPM package on Linux system

How to extract RPM package on Linux system

In this tutorial we will learn, how to extract RPM package on Linux system. Extracting the rpm has one the important command and it will surely help you in System Administration. Many times I solved some problem which is caused by file corruption of particular package. Here is the story from my experience.One day,my colleague…

Install and upgrade to latest Git version on Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint

Install and upgrade to latest Git version on Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint

In this tutorial we will learn,how to install and upgrade to latest Git version on Debian based Operating System.At the time of writing this post,git version 1.9.1 has been released on 2014-03-18. The information of new Git version release can be obtained from git-scm.com The practical has been tested successfully in Ubuntu,Debian and Linux Mint….

XAMPP : Mysql # 2002 – No such file or directory

XAMPP : Mysql # 2002 – No such file or directory

After installing XAMPP in CentOS ,I tried to open the phpmyadmin of XAMPP. I opened the phpmyadmin URL in web browser and found the below given error. Error MySQL said: Documentation #2002 – No such file or directory The server is not responding (or the local server’s socket is not correctly configured). Later, I noticed…

How to install XAMPP on CentOS/RHEL 6.5

How to install XAMPP on CentOS/RHEL 6.5

In this tutorial we will learn,how to install XAMPP in CentOS/RHEL 6.5.We will install XAMPP version 1.8.3. XAMPP is a open source cross platform software stack package mainly used for web server solution. XAMPP is available for Windows,MAC OSX,Solaris and Linux(WAMP, MAMP, SAMP, LAMP). XAMPP stands for –X = Cross Platform (Windows,MAC OSX,Solaris and Linux)A…

know about GECOS in Linux

know about GECOS in Linux

Question: What is GECOS in Linux ? How to set GECOS for user on Linux ? Answer: GECOS in linux is also known as comment field for User.The comment or GECOS field is used for informational purpose. In comments field generally we write the information related to user for eg. employee id,phone number,department name,branch name…