How to set default storage engine to MyISAM to InnoDB vice versa

How to set default storage engine to MyISAM to InnoDB vice versa

In this tutorial we will learn about how to set default storage engine to MyISAM to InnoDB or vice versa. Since the change in MySQL default storage engine as InnoDB there are many Database Servers which are still running in MyISAM. The change in Default storage engine come after MySQL 5.0 and later versions. In…

How to check default storage engine in MySQL server

How to check default storage engine in MySQL server

MySQL server comes with many engines,earlier MyISAM was default storage engine but from MySQL version 5.5 and later InnoDB now become a default storage engine. Yet,you should know what is the default storage engine running in mysql server. It might be possible any database admin has changed to MyISAM or INNODB as default storage engine…

Beginners 4 basic commands of database in mysql server

Beginners 4 basic commands of database in mysql server

Today we will learn about 4 basic commands in mysql server which are related to manage the database.These 4 commands are important for any Mysql Database administrator.The post is mainly written for beginners of MySQL database administration. All the data are saved in some database. These Databases have some name hence the basic thing is,we…

send email after mysql backup through bash script in simple way
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send email after mysql backup through bash script in simple way

send email after mysql backup through bash script in simple way In Facebook group one of the user asked this question “how to send email after mysql backup through bash script”. If you know bash scripting a bit it is just a one liner. It can be write in more advanced form but here I…

How to install mysql server in RedHat and CentOS
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How to install mysql server in RedHat and CentOS

In this post we will learn about,how to install mysql server in RedHat and CentOS. MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS), and ships with no GUI tools to administer MySQL databases or manage data contained within the databases.Read More About MySQL Server Default Port Number of MySQL : 3306 (TCP) Install the MySQL…