
Install OpenXenManager on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Learn how to install OpenXenManager on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop. After finishing the installation of XenServer, you may be searching how to install xencenter on linux. To connect to XenServer from client machine, we need XenCenter client. Till writing of this post, Citrix team has not introduced XenCenter for linux. Thanks to Open Source world, we have OpenXenManager – the alternate of XenCenter for Linux.


vi / vim : Remove space at beginning and end of each lines

In this article, we will learn in vi / vim editor how can we remove all the spaces at the beginning or end of the file. Recently, we have encountered the problem where contents where copied from one file to another file with new file extension. There we found too many uneven spaces in each line at beginning and end.

Nagios AWS

Nagios monitoring on AWS Autoscaling group instances

Setting Nagios monitoring alerts on instances behind the AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is always tricky part. In this post, we will learn how we can monitor the instances which are created by autoscaling policy and running behind the ELB. We expect our reader do have good knowledge on scripting, nagios and AWS comptuting. This…