Set group password,its use and check which group after newgrp command in linux

Set group password,its use and check which group after newgrp command in linux

Set group password,its use and check which group after newgrp command in linux As per the title of my post it has 3 questions: (1) How to set group password in Linux ? (2) What is its use ? (3) How to know you are using which group after using command newgrp ? How to…

How to set  -m option as default in useradd command in linux

How to set -m option as default in useradd command in linux

How to set -m option as default in useradd command in linux Using -m option with useradd command create the user’s home directory . In Debian and Ubuntu when we simply use useradd command without any option bydefault it do not create user’s home directory in /home whereas in CentOS and Red Hat when you…

ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED: CODE(0x2286dd0)

ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED: CODE(0x2286dd0)

While working today on setting Amavisd-new,Clamav and spamassasin in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,I got the below given error. Jul 23 12:20:47 mail postfix/qmgr[18020]: 0D1AF61F95: from=, size=739, nrcpt=1 (queue active) Jul 23 12:20:48 mail amavis[18032]: (18032-02) (!)run_av (ClamAV-clamd) FAILED – unexpected , output=”/var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-20130723T122047-18032-utKqe6rf/parts: lstat() failed: Permission denied. ERRORn” Jul 23 12:20:48 mail amavis[18032]: (18032-02) (!)ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED:…

How to set DHCP offered ip address to particular ethernet in freebsd
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How to set DHCP offered ip address to particular ethernet in freebsd

In this post we will learn How to set DHCP offered ip address to particular ethernet in freebsd. I freshly installed the freebsd 9.0-RELEASE in Virtual box. I added two ethernet or NIC to virtual machine. After restart I found only my first ethernet has the ip address. The second ethernet does’not have any ip….

Error: Unable to get

Error: Unable to get

Error: Unable to get This was my first encounter with problem while working in freebsd after doing fresh install.I was trying to install vim in freebsd by using the command pkg_add -r vim I got this below given Error: Error: Unable to get File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access) pkg_add: unable…

Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work owncloud

Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work owncloud

While reinstalling the owncloud in Ubuntu I got this error message on screen when I hit the URL of owncloud – “Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work”. To solve this issue. We have to only correct our apache configuration file. In owncloud.conf file…

How to use email id of Gmail for sending nagios email alerts

How to use email id of Gmail for sending nagios email alerts

How to use email id of Gmail for sending nagios email alerts In this tutorial we will learn about how to use email id of Gmail for sending nagios email alerts. Requirement: (1): Create one email id of gmail for sending emails from nagios server eg. (2): Using ssmtp package . As per man…

Convert video file into gif file through command line in linux

Convert video file into gif file through command line in linux

In this post, learn how to convert video file into gif file through command line in linux. For converting the video file into gif file there are many methods. We tried most of the methods. We used some software package like mplayer and image-magick. Image-magick has one issue that is related to memory allocation. With…

Learn tar command and know about its precaution

Learn tar command and know about its precaution

Learn tar command and know about its precaution Tar(Tap Archive) command is used in Unix like operating system for archiving the files. Archive is a file which has number of files and these files can be extracted to its original format with the help of extraction programmes. These archived files are called tarballs. If you…

create noreply email id in postfixadmin mysql database

create noreply email id in postfixadmin mysql database

create noreply email id in Virtual Domain and Users postfix mail server in postfixadmin’s mysql database I always prefer to go with Postfix mail server with mysql and dovecot. For postfix mysql as backend I generally use the postfixadmin. Postfixadmin is easy to configure whereas through web interface or command line you can manage the…