yum : how to find rpm package which has certain command or file

With this post you will also learn, how to find RPM packages which has certain command or files. You may have encounter with the error like “netstat command not found” on Red Hat based operating system. This time, on exploring and using CentOS 7, I found many changes. Generally I prefer to go with minimal … Read more

Linux : clear command and its keyboard shortcut

Today, in this post we will explain about linux clear command and its keyboard shortcut. Like cls command on Windows, on linux we use clear command.clear command is available on all Unix like Operating System. clear command clears output and command on console or terminal window. In short words, clear command clear the screen. But … Read more

There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction

Today while working on CentOS 7, I used yum command to install some packages. But I interrupted the yum command by pressing CTRL + C from keyboard. Which lead me to this error : There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction, or “yum-complete-transaction –cleanup-only” and “yum history redo last”, first to finish … Read more

Install lxml by using pip command on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

lxml is a python library used for processing XML and HTML.In this post we will learn, how to install lxml by using pip command. We will use pip to install lxml on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. It is important to install dependency prior using pip command to install lxml Install the dependencies. sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev … Read more