check_openerp nagios plugin for openerp service check

check_openerp nagios plugin for openerp service check

This is a small nagios plugin for monitoring the OpenERP service .
You can use this plugin with check_nrpe or check_by_ssh.

In my server, I start the openerp service by using command nohup ./openerp-server &
In your server the case might be different, do the changes as per your requirement. If need help contact me through contact page.

Operating Syetem : Ubuntu,Debian,Red Hat and CentOS
OpenERP Version : 7.x

Step 1 : Create a file check_openerp in nagios-plugin directory of your system. And paste the given below contents of nagios plugin script.

In my system the location is /usr/lib/nagios/plugins


#Author Sharad Kumar Chhetri
#script is used for checking OpenERP Server status
# Date : 02-July-2013

oes=`ps -ef|grep openerp-server|grep -v grep|wc -l`
if [ "$oes" == 1 ]
echo "OK: OpenERP Server is running"
exit 0
if [ "$oes" == 0 ]
echo "CRIT: OpenERP Server is not running"
exit 2

Step 2: After saving the check_openerp file , give permission 755

chmod 755 check_openerp

To know how to configure NRPE in Ubuntu read this link ,click Here

To know how to configure NRPE in CentOS or Red Hat read this link, click here

To learn about Nagios Server, Go to Navigation Menu >> HOW TO >> MONITORING SERVER

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