Run the script using nohup without hitting enter key two times

As we have seen when we run the command with ‘nohup’ and ‘&’ so that the command should run at background even the terminal get disconnected we have to press enter key 2 times. To overcome from this problem,use the below given method.
Note: You can write the same in script as well

nohup command_name-Or-Script-name > Output.out 2> Error.err < /dev/null &

For eg. I have a command called ABC and I want to run directly from terminal you can write like this

nohup ABC > Output.out 2> Error.err < /dev/null &

OR if you want to run this command from script,you can use it like this.
create a script file,here I am creating shell script


nohup command_name-Or-Script-name > Output.out 2> Error.err < /dev/null & Save and exit by pressing ESC key then typing :wq

Or if you have any script called SCRIPTABC which actually do not run at background. It should be run like this directlt from terminal.

nohup SCRIPTABC > Output.out 2> Error.err < /dev/null &

Note: It will crate two file Output.out and Error.err . It is good tip to use in this way. Because from this file you can also get to know what was the output or if there was any error.

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