About Me

I am a Linux System, DevOps, Automation and Cloud Engineer. By Profession I am a Senior Architect in Cloud and DevOps.

I love Linux and always will support the Linux and Open Source Software.

A brief about sharadchhetri.com

I used to sometimes write some posts in Blogspot. And that was the pin date of my blogging journey. And I still write. I started writing the blog posts so that I should be able to keep my Technical Notes available in Internet. Whenever I or somebody need the tutorial, they can visit to my technical notes.

Because I was just keep writing the Technical Articles , sharadchhetri.com grown and started showing in Search Engine. Many topics started ranking even. But I never seriously thought about SEO things, even I still do not !

On 03/March/2011 I just casually bought this domain name (sharadchhetri.com) from my friend and colleague Mr. Jay. He bought the Domain in my behalf and used his credit card. During those days, I was not having the Credit Card. I just bought the domain casually without thinking about to do blogging on it. Now a days, you will be lucky to find the domain name which could match with your real name.

The SharadChhetri.com is actually more like a “Proof Of Concept Ground” for me. I did lots of experiments on this Blog Setup. The blog also get too many attacks. I also learned a lot from these attacks (Thanks for attacking 🙂 ).


The journey of sharadchhetri.com was awesome and I am thrilled to share the experience.


  • First I hosted sharadchhetri.com in Godaddy Webhosting.
  • Later, migrated to VPS server.
  • Then, I moved it to Digital Ocean when Digital Ocean was just started.
  • Later, I moved it to AWS so that I should do practical on AWS. And still, I am hosting it in AWS and using sharadchhetri.com for POC work.


  • From HTTP to HTTPS.
  • Change in Date Format URL to Post Title URL.

Blog Design

  • I changed it multiple times. I keep on changing mostly. As I said, I used this blog for POC and Test work also.
  • NO Thunbnails in entire blog [part of SEO testing] to scripted Auto Generated and Auto attaching the Thumbnails [For Automation Test]. [I have stopped now]


This might be helpful for many. These all technologies I have used for POC work in my blog sharadchhetri.com.

  • Used Varnish Servers long back.
  • Used Floating IP Address with High Availability.
  • Created own geographically distributed caching system like private CDN.
  • Autoscaling of WordPress site in Digital Ocean when Digital Ocean was just started.
  • MySQL Master-Slave. Keeping only Master Node for Read/Write , rest Nodes for Read only purpose.
  • Memcached Server implemented.
  • Redis Server implemented for Queuing purpose.
  • Auto Healing of server issues through Nagios.
  • Zero Downtime Migration.
  • Migration from WordPress To Static HTML page website. Later reverted.
  • Migration to Docker Containers , to Kubernetes Cluster and reverted back to AWS EC2.

I think there are more POC work I did .. not able to recall .. I just tried to put the major one.

Current AWS Server Information of sharadchhetri.com :

Operating System : Ubuntu Server
Caching : Nginx + FastCGI
Web Server : Nginx with PHP-FPM
Database : MariaDB
CMS : WordPress
CDN : Cloudflare

Message At The End

Enjoy Linux , Enjoy Learning ! Spread love and help the poor and needy.


This is my personal blog. The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my current/past employers. I do reserve the right to remove comments left by spammers or off-topic comments.

17 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Excellent advises and guides — thanks A LOT.

    Would appreciate if you could grant me a simple (i’m just a noobe in Linux…) yet effective way or line command or script to bootload or whatever could be feasible to an ignoramus guy like me in order to enable some form of getting rid of the repeating msg.box asking for a pwd “to unlock the keyring…bla, bla….”. (i’m a Linux Mint devoted user).
    Once i’m sick and tired of this Google(??!?) gimmick, obnoxious, as usualy are the self justifyng mumbo-jumbos lines used to confuse and tire people up to surrender — which i’ve resisted to subdue to until now. THanking for your possible good attention.
    Kind Regards,

  2. Hi ,

    I am getting below Error when I try to add user . could you please prove soluction to get resolve this issue.

    [root@localhost bin]# ./add-user.sh
    ./add-user.sh: line 66: java: command not found

  3. Hi sarad,

    This is lokesh i have read your blog and want to seek your help on Nagios monitoring tool.
    Is their any videos on nagios in detail about basics and also adding objects and host,snmp.nrpe,
    I heard there is a automation in that .Will you please show me right path for me.


  4. dear sharad,

    i have read your blog and want to seek your help on developing a simple query which can generate the following data from osticket version 1.9

    ticket details + custom form entry pertaining to the ticket.

    its simply a dump and i am not looking at any PHP. i look forward to your support and advise.



  5. Hi Sharad

    Really Appreciate. You have done a good job. Is it possible can i work with you. Actually i want to give free services to others.

    Pradeep Kumar

  6. hey dai,
    i was looking for red hat linux to download bt there are different versions..,,like enterprise,server,,i386
    and etc…. so m a bit bit confused…,,though i hav used kali, backtrack linux a bit,…bt i wana learn red hat so which version would be the best to start over…!!


  7. Hi Sharad,

    My name is Ogi and I’m the owner of FirstSiteGuide where I’m creating tutorials to help people get online in 30 minutes.

    I would love to ask you for permission to translate your Hide-n-Disable-comment-url-field plugin found at https://sharadchhetri.com/2014/02/10/hide-and-disable-url-field-in-comment-form-in-wordpress-plugin/ and help our readers of different communities to use it in their own language?
    I can translate it to my native Serbian language and have a coworker who can do it in Spanish. But you would need to create the transtlable .pot file first in order for me to proceed.

    Please let me know if you are willing to do that so I can translate it.

    Best Regards,
    Ogi Djuraskovic


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