Learn how to install OpenXenManager on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop. After finishing the installation of XenServer, you may be searching how to install xencenter on linux. To connect to XenServer from client machine, we need XenCenter client. Till writing of this post, Citrix team has not introduced XenCenter for linux. Thanks to Open Source world, we have OpenXenManager – the alternate of XenCenter for Linux.
OpenXenManager Introduction
OpenXenManager is Open Source Free software and popularly known as alternate of XenCenter for linux. It is mainly written in python and pyGTK helps user to interact on its GUI.
OpenXenManager project code is now hosted on GitHub.Previously it was hosted on SourceForge.
Requirements For OpenXenManager
Following packages are required to run awesome OpenXenManager in your system. Keep make a note also, its script name is “openxenmanager” by which you will open the OpenXenManager in your system.
- Python 2.7
- pyGTK 2.16
- ConfigObj
- GTK-VNC (Linux only)
Install OpenXenManager on Ubuntu
In this section we will do the installation of OpenXenManager on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Follow the given below steps –
1. Update the repo
sudo apt-get update
2. Install Git
sudo apt-get install git
3. Install package dependences
sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 glade python-gtk-vnc python-glade2 python-configobj
4. Clone the repo from GitHub and install
Clone the git repo by given below command
git clone https://github.com/OpenXenManager/openxenmanager.git
Now change to cloned repo directory
cd openxenmanager
Now install the package by running below given command. This will install the OpenXenManager in your system.
sudo python setup.py install
We hope that installation is completed without any error. Then move to next step.
5. Run the OpenXenManager
To open the GUI of OpenXenManager, simply run the command
If in case it do not open, check where the openxenmanager is located by using which command. Get the absolute path and run it directly using that path.
Alternatively you can also run the below given command
$(which openxenmanager)
The OpenXenManager GUI will open. And now you can start working on. Connect with XenServer with the help of OpenXenManager.
It tooks like you did a great job explaining things.
I did have to add
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
for the setuptools module not found error.
Also I am getting a boat load of errors.
Probably because I do not have a GUI installed. No body mentions that, do they? It is not listed in the requirements. Not only that, but I suspect KDE does not work either since it is using GTK. I am thinking I need to install a GTK based GUI.
When I read in your article, “It is mainly written in python and pyGTK helps user to interact on its GUI.” I thought, “Oh it provides ‘its own GUI’.” Oops, guess not. I will try again. Really I think your article is very helpful and I thank you. It is hard to find good documentation for openxenmanager so far.
I installed LXDE as my GUI and openxenmanager has opened up from the command line with out any problems.
Thank You Daniel,
I always wish to write as much information from real scenarios and which is best for our readers. I am glad that with this post I was successful to pen down what I wanted to deliver.
Keep reading our blog.
Here’s my error, right at the isntallation part:
jedichris816@LinuxMint17 ~/openxenmanager $ sudo python setup.py install
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “setup.py”, line 1, in
from setuptools import setup
ImportError: No module named setuptools
Any ideas?
Nevermind. Resolved it by opening terminal, swithicng to root, and using:
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py -O – | python
which in turn retrieved and setup the setuptools.
Also, in an unfortunate turn of events, the “console” tab only yields a black screen. This is the case for all VMs in my farm, amongst 12+ Xen hosts.
Xen Center work beautifully in Windows, but this OpenXenManager appears to not be 100% finished as important functions are not working,
Hello Chris,
It is true OpenXenManager has some issues.I am personally using it and since so far not found any problem with my cases. I suggest you to open a bug in OpenXenManager Github accounti.e https://github.com/OpenXenManager/openxenmanager/issues . This is important because by this way we can make better software. Citrix XenCenter still do not have any official package for linux.
Also note that, from OpenXenManager you can not update the Xen Server license.